I’m not writing the next great American novel. That’s for writers like Barbara Kingsolver. I enjoy reading the big novels, but I also really enjoy reading fun books, which is what I hope I’m creating.
Sometime soon, hopefully early this summer, I’ll have it finished, formatted for the eBook readers and for the soft cover printed version, and available on Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore and any others I can get it on.
Then I have to sit back and see what you think about it. Through the reader reviews on all of those websites (especially Amazon) others may find the book and buy it for themselves.
Though sitting back is hardly what I’ll be doing. I’ll then be working hard to get my book read by the reviewers who can get a book read by hundreds or thousands of people from newspapers, magazines, blogs and the like. Word-of-mouth is great, but slow.
And somewhere in there I’ll begin the next one.